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Sudoku is a puzzle of Japanese origin based on a logical arrangement of numbers or symbols on a board called a grid. To solve it, no knowledge of mathematics is necessary and all mysudoku.io puzzles can be solved without having to test several solutions manually (it is possible to solve all the difficulties of all the puzzles without backtracking).

The goal of the game is to fill the game grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so that each row, column and sub-grid of 3x3 cells contain each number only once. The game starts with a partially filled grid and your task is to fill in the remaining cells. Here are the rules:

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Skyscrapers game

The skyscraper game is a puzzle derived from Sudoku. Each grid is composed of NxN cells and on the side of this grid are clues. The goal of the game is to place a skyscraper in each cell. Each skyscraper has a height between 1 and N and the big skyscrapers hide the smaller ones placed behind them. Each row and column can contain only one of each number. The clues give the number of skyscrapers visible from their positions. To access them, click here.


Derived from the Sudoku puzzle game, SudokuX introduces an additional difficulty by the fact that each large diagonal can contain each number only once. To access it, click ici.