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The skyscraper game is a puzzle derived from Sudoku. To solve it, no knowledge of mathematics is necessary and all mysudoku.io puzzles can be solved without having to test solutions manually (it is possible to solve all the difficulties of all the puzzles without backtracking).

Each skyscraper puzzle is composed of a grid of NxN cells (e.g. the easy grids are 4x4 cells grids while the difficult grids are 6x6 cells). On the side of this grid there are special cells called clues.

The goal of the game is to place a skyscraper in each square. Each skyscraper has a height between 1 and N (so for easy 4x4 grids, the height is between 1 and 4). It is important to know that, as in real life, a large skyscraper hides a smaller one placed behind it.
The difficulty comes from the fact that there can only be one skyscraper of a given height per row and per column (for example there can be only one skyscraper with a height of 2 in the same row and column).

To help you with your task, the clues indicate the number of skyscrapers that can be seen by looking in a straight line from the clue's position. In the following example, the clue "2" indicates that 2 skyscrapers can be seen from the left of the line occupied by the clue.


The following line is therefore valid since the skyscraper of height "3" hides the one of height "1" and the one of height "4" hides the one of height "2".

2 3 1 4 2

While the next line is invalid since we can see 3 skyscrapers from the position of the index and not only 2. Indeed here, only the skyscraper of height "2" is hidden by the skyscraper of height "4".

2 1 3 4 2

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